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gh.lan Overview youtube - ghlan Network Overview


pfSense basics

  1. Default install via “pfsense” USB install key
    • Using Dell (Intel SR1560SF)
    • Defalut install user: admin pw: pfsense
    • IF VM XCP-ng: Network Interfaces - Check - Disable hardware checksum offload
    • Note interface assignments and lable ports and cables
    • Walk through wizard
    • Turn off Block RFC1918 Private Addresses and bogon networks (so we can use LAN address ranges)
    • Decide what the LAN subnet should be (default is
    • Set admin password - Should have 2 interfaces WAN and LAN - Add Traffic Graphs to Dashboard
  2. DHCP Setup -> Services DHCP Server / LAN
    • Enbable DHCP Server
    • Range: - 199 (Move new servers to MAC assignment)
    • View DHCP Static Mappings (at bottom)
    • Status -> DCHP Leaases View leases and move 101-199 to a static according to IP mappings
  3. Add VLAN’s (skip this for now… will have to deal with router)
    • Interfaces -> Assignments -> VLANs
    • VLANs add
    • Parent Interface: lan VLAN Tag: 9 Description: ADM
    • Save - Interfaces -> Interfaces Assignments
    • Add (Select above VLAN) Save
    • Click on new interface
    • Check Enable Interface
    • Add Description: ADM
    • IPv4 Config Type: Static IPv4
    • Go down to Static IPv4 Config and the IP (
    • Uncheck reserve net blocking
    • Click SAVE
    • Click APPLY CHANGES - Services -> DHCP Server
    • Select ADM network
    • Enable DHCP Server
    • Range:
    • Save
  4. Add Firewall Rules
    • Firewall -> Rules -> ADM
    • Add:
    • Action - Pass
    • Interface - ADM
    • Addresss Family - IPv4
    • Protocal - any
    • Source - any
    • Destination - any
    • Description: dmzall
    • Save - Add-TOP:
    • Action - Pass
    • Interface - ADM
    • Addresss Family - IPv4
    • Protocal - IPv4 ICMP - echoreq
    • Source - any
    • Destination - any
    • Description: ghWANallowPing
    • Save - Add-TOP: (not yet)
    • Action - Block
    • Interface - ADM
    • Addresss Family - IPv4
    • Protocal - any
    • Source - any
    • Destination - LAN
    • Description: BLOCK to LAN
    • Save - Add-TOP… block all other networks you want blocked
  5. Add VLAN tags to Switches / vlans

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